ph: 309. 472-4248
Ray Epton Jr. Medals and Rings at Camp is BIG TIME FOR THE KIDS.GREAT JOB CBJ.
Hi Boo! I wanted to tell you that your camp last week was soooo enjoyed by my darlings that they want to sign up for BOTH sessions next year!! Thank you for making your Camp So Special! Big Hugs~ Debi Klaus Meils
Curley you are truly an Angel..Giving these young men something to look forward to every summer..Please don't Stop what you're doing..I know you are keeping a few of them off the streets..even if it's just for a week!! Tika Sardin
Mike Pryor Boo....great job with the camp and giving back to Peoria. It's great to know the next generation (you) are working hard to make the players in the area better. Great work!
Karin Kniker Terry Amy, I am so glad you like it! The girls had an absolute blast and learned a TON! Being some of the youngest ones there was a great experience, and we have you to thank for that!! I think the girls are hooked on this camp!
Marsha Scheuble Holz Thank you for giving your time and love and knowledge to these lovely kids
Jennifer Jay Jay Tuley Thanks for all you do for the Peoria area kids and the kids all over. People forget that kids are our future. A job well done!!!!!!
Stephanie Mathews Boo from the bottom of my heart my sincere appreciation and would like you to know how much Hank{of course} Judd, myself,Eddie,and the whole Mathews Family think of you ,well, we just luvya for what you do and what you stand for GOODNESS! God Bless you!
Thanks for doing this for the kids in Peoria. You are a role model for them to look up to. Not like some of the sports stars. It is good to see there are good guys that care about our kids like you do.
Talitha Smith My daughter had so much fun and she got so much more than learning basketball. Thank you.
I would like to give a shout out to Curley Boo Johnson for being a great role model for me and having my back for all this years and the opportunity to teach kids the game much love! Hank Mathews
Copyright Curley "Boo" Johnson's Skills for Life Basketball Academy. All rights reserved.
ph: 309. 472-4248